Brain wave

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife heard that Wi-Fi could be harmful for our newborn baby's undeveloped brain box. Her solution was to switch the Wi-Fi off on our laptops. She won't listen to the flaw in her plan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 798
You deserved it 3 283

Top comments

Did she live in a house with wifi when she was young?

palahniukpaul 6


physicist48 0

Lol I hope the kid didn't get her intelligence.

rlfender 3

bitch should've been a blonde

Sounds like she had too much wifi around as a kid

kenzie516 3

If you had no wifi then how did u post this...

rachael21 0

Doesn't that fix the problem.......? -_-

hopelessxdesign 5

She's a bright one, isn't she?

skyorpia101 4

I really hope that, that baby doesn't suffer from "WiFi Damage" like ur wife did.

ladyvader401 5 decided to reproduce with her. Good call.

hbbs93 6

How many people had to reread this to get the flaw? I know I did.

chengy4191 7