Brain wave

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife heard that Wi-Fi could be harmful for our newborn baby's undeveloped brain box. Her solution was to switch the Wi-Fi off on our laptops. She won't listen to the flaw in her plan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 798
You deserved it 3 283

Top comments

Did she live in a house with wifi when she was young?

palahniukpaul 6


IAmMcLovin123 0

I think it's a longer way to say brain

SolemnlyLove 7

FML comments are always way more entertaining than the actual FML

dumaz 2

it's only harmful when I come across idiots over the Internet

Oh ok thanks now how do I send messages on here I can't figure it out lol

Cell phone radiation has been assigned the same level of risk for causing cancer as talcum powder.

Wow so your wife isn't a tech minded person. Maybe you could have just explained things to her since you're so well versed in I.T. and neuroscience.

sylphy 0

what part about "won't listen" are you missin'?

foxmatrix15 8

She's so dumb she reminds me of the guys mom who told him to close the windows in the house so the wifi won't get out. You should just toss ur router and make her think about it till she gets it.