Brain wave

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife heard that Wi-Fi could be harmful for our newborn baby's undeveloped brain box. Her solution was to switch the Wi-Fi off on our laptops. She won't listen to the flaw in her plan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 798
You deserved it 3 283

Top comments

Did she live in a house with wifi when she was young?

palahniukpaul 6


chengy4191 7

Maybe the lack of wifi for ur wife growing up was harmful for her development so that explains y she is so stupid

1) Wi-Fi isn't going to kill your baby. 2) That's NOT how you stop the flow of Wi-Fi in an area. 3) About your wife... I'm sure somebody has said it already. 4) Congrats on the new child, despite the person bearing it.

samsonitekilla 3

I don't get it. won't the baby be fine if you just turn the wifi off on your laptops? You know what...turn it off on your iPods too just to be safe.

She's pregnant, give her a freaking break.

No she isn't, it says newborn, not unborn.

Are you kidding me? She's freaking pregnant. Give her a break.

How does being pregnant excuse being a retard? Hmmm?

There are a lot of hormonal changes that happen while a woman is pregnant that actually mess with the thought centers in the brain. Read a damn book.