Brain wave

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife heard that Wi-Fi could be harmful for our newborn baby's undeveloped brain box. Her solution was to switch the Wi-Fi off on our laptops. She won't listen to the flaw in her plan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 798
You deserved it 3 283

Top comments

Did she live in a house with wifi when she was young?

palahniukpaul 6


I think her plan is absolutely flawless! You should probably listen to her more often.

So, have you had the courage to flat out tell your wife she's an idiot or have you quietly tucked your testicles away in a draw and tried to reason with someone who is clearly thicker than shit?

In a draw? Did the testicles have a tie?

my2centsworth 15

Obviously her mother was exposed to wifi during her pregnancy.

sparxva 12

What flaw in her plan? It seems pretty effective, actually.

Router constantly puts off a wifi signal, whether or not the laptop wifi function is turned off.

sparxva 12

I can see that she might have a little trouble keeping the newborn away from laptops because they are so mobile, but keeping a newborn away from the router shouldn't pose any difficulty. It is probably fixed in place (more or less) and can be placed out of a newborn or toddler's reach.

sparxva 12

Just to be clear, I think it is an overreaction to turn off all the wifi devices, but it accomplished her goal. Wait till she learns that cell phones pose the same risks...

That argument would make sense if the baby actually had to touch the router to be exposed. The fact that the router is on means it is putting out signals even if there is nothing on to receive those signals. The child who is in the house would still be getting hit by the signals that the router is putting into the areas atmosphere. This should be obvious to you simply by having the knowledge that you need no cables for Wifi to reach your computer.

iloooovemylife 7

Well at least she's concerned for her kid

And some people don't vaccinate their kids because of one study showing it caused autism! The same study which has recently been shown as a complete fraud. Yet thousands of people are still not vaccinating and kids are ending up with serious diseases. I day wi-fi on

waschaffer 5

like Ron White once said, ya can't fix stupid... keep that one in the kitchen/bedroom for sure

WTF is a brain box? Did you buy the babby's brain?

well I guess I doomed my 7 month old son, since I have had wifi set up long before he was conceived