Brain worms

By Whoops - 15/06/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, it's been several weeks, I went to the doctor for an ear infection and I still don't feel too good. It was then that I realized the doctor forgot to prescribe me medication for said infection. That explains a few things. FML
I agree, your life sucks 341
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Several WEEKS went by, and you JUST NOW realized there were no meds?!?

The doctor forgot, but what about you??? You haven't noticed you are not treating it for weeks???


Several WEEKS went by, and you JUST NOW realized there were no meds?!?

The doctor forgot, but what about you??? You haven't noticed you are not treating it for weeks???

um, I think there a few other things that need explaining here! how did YOU not realize?!

How did you go that long realizing you didn't have a prescription?