Brat era

By bastards - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Netherlands - Den Haag

Today, I babysat the brattiest and most foul-mouthed 8-year-old I've ever met. After I survived three hours of it, his parents finally came home. He claimed I'd invited a boy over and that we did "stuff" on the couch all evening. They believed him. I didn't get paid, to say the least. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 590
You deserved it 4 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since you aren't getting paid I would tell the parents how he acted and tell them how much of a brat he is. You might as well enjoy something from this.

He acts like a brat since parents always take his side. My advice never baby sit for them again and spread the word around so they can't get another sitter.


Oh my! His parents can look forward to many years of headaches from this kid! Hopefully, karma will give u great kids in return for your troubles!

your blessed you never have to go back again

This is one of those Times that when you fell that all is lost you could end with: " well, at least I didn't tell that you were naked and want to mastrubate in front of me" out loud with parents earing...

mein_blut69 15

Just be thankful you don't live with him.

I blame the parents. You're probably better off not working for them. Sorry about that though I know how it feels not to get paid for babysitting :/

I'll bet his parents put him up to it and have him do it all the time, so they can stiff babysitters.

never go back and warn anyone you know who also babysit I bet the minute no one wants to watch the little brat his parents will be more keen on his behavior

well they must be doing something wrong if their 8 year old knows what doing something on the couch means...

The first I head him say a curse word I would've recorded him from then on to show to the parents so that they could fix his problem

skittyskatbrat 19

You did the work, you get the pay. If you aren't of adult age yet, get your parents in on this. If you ARE of adult age, then call the parents and ask if their child has admitted to lying and remind them that they owe you $xx. Keep calling them. Don't let up. Be VERY offended that they believed a brat over an adult; they cannot be blissfully unaware that they raised a ********. Can you get names and numbers for previous sitters? This might actually be a planned way to get out of paying sitters on a regular basis; time to find out. Sorry, but you did the work, they have to pay you. They came home, the kid was alive, the house was not burned down, they give you the $. End of story. Push for this and DO NOT back down.

1) Kid being alive doesn't mean anything. People survive dismemberment and third degree burns. 2) I doubt Ms. OP wants a restraining order filed 3) If I have kids, that isn't a bad strategy for free child care