Brat era

By bastards - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Netherlands - Den Haag

Today, I babysat the brattiest and most foul-mouthed 8-year-old I've ever met. After I survived three hours of it, his parents finally came home. He claimed I'd invited a boy over and that we did "stuff" on the couch all evening. They believed him. I didn't get paid, to say the least. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 590
You deserved it 4 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since you aren't getting paid I would tell the parents how he acted and tell them how much of a brat he is. You might as well enjoy something from this.

He acts like a brat since parents always take his side. My advice never baby sit for them again and spread the word around so they can't get another sitter.


Well if you're not getting payed, you might as well speak your mind...

If it were me, and I wasn't getting paid, I would've said everything I felt about that kid and their ignorance towards this kid

I'm guessing you won't be rehired. If you're neighbours with them, expect dirty looks :3

I knew a boy like that at that age growing up. He even taught a 5 year old to act the same and run over people's feet with his bike. He got a girl pregnant when he was a teenager, went to a year round boarding school, then committed suicide in his early 20s. If the boy in the FML doesn't clean his act he could have a similar grim fate coming to him. Hopefully his parents come to their senses and set him straight,

The best idea was already posted, tell your friends and make it hard for them to get a sitter. Also a good idea to use your phone to video the bad behavior. It's hard to argue with video.

Small claims court - hopefully they'd rather pay you than miss work and be embarrassed in front of a judge. Make notes with a timeline and specific things that were said. Screenshot your messages and/or calls to others to show no one was there.

martin8337 35

Shit on their doorstep. Save up a massive one or bring some friends to join in.

Nah, is where it's at. You can get 3 different types of poop, delivered straight to the enemy, with a business card in it that says 'Turn over to see who sent you this!' On the other side, it says 'We're not telling! -Poopsenders' (Source: boyfriend who cheated and tried to get me pregnant by swapping out my pills. Apparently it was his fetish to have so much power over someone he could get them to abort a baby.)

and this is why we discipline our kids nowadays...

where did you baby sit? in the ghetto?