Brat era

By bastards - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Netherlands - Den Haag

Today, I babysat the brattiest and most foul-mouthed 8-year-old I've ever met. After I survived three hours of it, his parents finally came home. He claimed I'd invited a boy over and that we did "stuff" on the couch all evening. They believed him. I didn't get paid, to say the least. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 590
You deserved it 4 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since you aren't getting paid I would tell the parents how he acted and tell them how much of a brat he is. You might as well enjoy something from this.

He acts like a brat since parents always take his side. My advice never baby sit for them again and spread the word around so they can't get another sitter.


Don't come back and babysit for them again. That's just wrong.

So you didn't get laid or paid, huh? (Sorry, had to do the rhyming joke thing. Babysitting can really suck sometimes irl, op, I had this one babysitting job that the three year old girl asked me for a ********. when I brought it up to her mom because it made me uncomfortable, her mom told me that I must've taught her daughter that word. she fired me even though her bf had owned up.)

I'm honestly ashamed to be a part of this generation of kids/teens

You should have said you are a lesbian.

I see this post is about 10 years old, so he is now an 18 y/o wash out and his parents are at their wit's end with his lying, stealing and drug addiction. And they can't understand how their 'little angel', who's side they always took, turned out this way.