Broke ass dad

By anonymous - 19/03/2011 05:53 - United States

Today, I heard water splashing outside of my house; I investigated it, only to find my dad, whom I don't live with, syphoning gas out of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 087
You deserved it 2 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he wasn't sucking **** outside your house for gas money right???..........FYL OP

tmmundy 17

did you make him pay $3.50 a gal? or did you proceed to kick his ass?


bigboston 0

I'd start returning the favor

How did he even open the gas flap? Did he break into the OPs car too???

Yeah not all cars have a lever or button you press you know that right? On a side note will you check my statements? haha

...oh that was my mistake then... all the cars I've ever had, including a crappy 93 Tempo you always had to pull the lever lol As for your statements, maybe, if cookies are involved :D

Ok not your fault! I have chocolate chip, sugar, peanut butter and macadamia nut. Take your pick. XD

ok I'm guessing this family has serious trust issues het just be glad he doesn't smash your face into a watermelon every time you try to eat it *shudder*

I hope you didn't just stand there and watch, OP.

FYL, and you probably deserved it if you didn't do anything.