Broke ass dad

By anonymous - 19/03/2011 05:53 - United States

Today, I heard water splashing outside of my house; I investigated it, only to find my dad, whom I don't live with, syphoning gas out of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 087
You deserved it 2 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he wasn't sucking **** outside your house for gas money right???..........FYL OP

tmmundy 17

did you make him pay $3.50 a gal? or did you proceed to kick his ass?



marshmallowmouse 0

Get a locking gas tank! I had to when this became a big problem in my home city.

I hate it that you think $4 a gallon is expensive for petrol/gas, whatever you want to call it. In the UK it costs £1.30/litre for unleaded and £1.35/litre for diesel - that's about $7.50 or $7.70 in US terms - you have it so cheap compared to us so stop complaining! It still doesn't make it right for OP's dad to siphon fuel out of their car though - surely you wouldn't deny him a loan if he needed money to tide him over, or even a lift to where he needed to be if he'd just asked!

I hate it that you think $4 a gallon is expensive for petrol/gas, whatever you want to call it. In the UK it costs £1.30/litre for unleaded and £1.35/litre for diesel - that's about $7.50 or $7.70 in US terms - you have it so cheap compared to us so stop complaining! It still doesn't make it right for OP's dad to siphon fuel out of their car though - surely you wouldn't deny him a loan if he needed money to tide him over, or even a lift to where he needed to be if he'd just asked!

WhyCantIDoRight 5