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By ish - 14/08/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me in the parking lot right before a baseball game, then convinced me to still go to the game in tears. After the game, we were walking back to the car and he goes, "So, how about some break up lovin'?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 941
You deserved it 9 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"How about some 'break up you-getting-kicked-in-the-balls?'"

NonchalantSavant 0

You left out the most important part: Who won the game?


Complete douche. It's a good thing you're rid of him.

And women are ******. See what happens when we generalize? We both look like pricks. (Don't worry women, that was just to prove a point. I know ALL of you aren't ******.)

What kind of needy, pathetic person would have sat thru a boring baseball game with a guy who just dumped her? I bet she jumped at the chance for the breakup sex in hopes of winning him back.

foryoublue94 0

lol. this coming up in the preview next to the actual post just made my day. thank you

Wow that guy is a major PRICK, u shuda spat in his face nd said, 'Nah, I'd have better sex, all alone to be honest, cya' hed be like 0_0

Brittanii 0

u shouldve Neva went in to the game wit himm!!

my ex boyfriend did the exact same thing before dinner and a movie. some guys are just morons

what a prick. id have gouged his eyes out if I were you.