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By ish - 14/08/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me in the parking lot right before a baseball game, then convinced me to still go to the game in tears. After the game, we were walking back to the car and he goes, "So, how about some break up lovin'?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 941
You deserved it 9 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"How about some 'break up you-getting-kicked-in-the-balls?'"

NonchalantSavant 0

You left out the most important part: Who won the game?


It's simple really. Tell him to go have break up sex with his hand.

EveryDayJackAss 0

LOL what a dumbass he shouldve just watched the baseball game with you then afterwards get laid and THEN break up with you.......but thankfully he's a retard and....i would NEVER NEVER EVER do that(no seriously i wouldn't) its just that retards in society just make me want to correct their shit-headed crap everyday through use of rude and vulgar language :D

mumafiedmustangs 0
reidcamphor 0

ooh a FML from Maryland, im from Maryland! YDI for living in Maryland! Our state sucks you know it, and if you went to the game in Baltimore and its more of a YDI, too many douchebags here.

dude..hopefully you did it... my boyfriend broke up with me a week ago and we're still having "broken up sex." it's great. the best part? his fiance doesnt know about it. ;)

aceofspades6528 0

# 131, You are a total bitch. **** you @ OP: Why would you go out with an ass like that anyway? Even if he was doing that to want you back, don't accept (even though I really think you did...) he sounds like an ass. It's so hard to find a good guy out there, because most of them are like your bf, sorry girl :

drunkfather 0

Wait wait... your boyfriend who broke up with you a week ago is cheating on his fiance with you? ROFL. In case you are to slow to realize this, allow me the opportunity, please; he was cheating on you and is now using you. =D You are welcome!

What a ass, I surely hope you didn't give it to him. So many people want to be "Friend-it-fits" Or "Friends with benefits". It a load of bull. If you ever want to detach, from some who just broke up with you, YOU DON'T SLEEP WITH THEM!

swodah 0

True #132 - though Friends with benefits are just a bonus to life! Also if you really sat through the game after the "news" what does it tell about you? Personally I'd have walked to home cry alone...

The guy is a douche for asking for break-up sex, undoubtedly. However, I understand the sudden breakup. I did something similar-- broke up with a guy in the middle of an out-of-state visit to meet his family, on the way to a New Year's Eve party. Not an ideal situation, but he did something really asinine, I had an "Aha!" moment, and I couldn't stand to be his girlfriend for one more minute. Something similar definitely could have happened here. I had the sense to cut the trip short, though.

But the "Aha!" moment came before I spent New Year's Eve at a party with all of his drunk friends. And they assumed we were having sex in his car, because he cried and steamed up his windows. So I was still very stuck. I included the part about cutting the trip short to point out that I didn't ask for, or want, make-up sex. Hence, I am not a hypocrite for calling the OP's ex a douche.