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By ish - 14/08/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me in the parking lot right before a baseball game, then convinced me to still go to the game in tears. After the game, we were walking back to the car and he goes, "So, how about some break up lovin'?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 941
You deserved it 9 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"How about some 'break up you-getting-kicked-in-the-balls?'"

NonchalantSavant 0

You left out the most important part: Who won the game?


fxdxhk90 0

All the women saying something along the lines of"men are assholes" are twunts that cannot get men themselves, therefore they hate them. Second, your boyfriend is epic and he deserves break up sex just for having enough balls to ask for it. By the way, who won the game?

WOW. so basically, you like assholes & douchebags and other women who don't are twunts? somebody needs some counseling... this guy deserves to get kicked in the balls for pulling this kind of crap, but at the same time, why would you go along with what he said in the first place? if this bothered you then maybe you just need to be more assertive about your self respect.

Maybe he was trying to make you laugh so you would feel better??

tell him yes and when he pulls his pants down punch in the balls!

'Cuz sexual assault is always the answer! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

derekjeter92 0

aw ****, i just lost The Game

I wouldnt have gone to the game with him if it was me. You should've just left

Casimir_fml 0

Geez, I can't believe he did that! What a jerk! (You *did* say no, right?)

the boyfriend failed on this part. never break up with a girl if you are driving her home. she sounds desperate anyways. why would you still go to the game though? you ******* idiot. YDI for being an dumbfuck.

My ex did the same ******* shit & then dragged me to a shitty concert.

They guy is a douchess-maxis for breaking up with you AFTER taking you to a ball game. You SHOULD have said; "Well.... okay. Let's do it. Right here in the car, right now!!" Help him take off his pants, and then run away with his pants , with his wallet and keys in them!! Then yell over your shoulder; "Now you're ******!! HAA HAAAA!"

Hitsuki_fml 0

I agree...I like your idea!