Bugging out

By Anonymous - 23/06/2013 04:10 - United States - Seattle

Today, while working the graveyard shift at my hotel, it felt a little chilly, so I grabbed a blanket out of the box we usually store old blankets in. Twenty minutes later, the live-in maintenance man casually remarked that those blankets are all infected with bed-bugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 076
You deserved it 7 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They should've marked the box! You should definitely go take a shower and wash your clothes in hot water before it gets any worse.

You'd think your hotel would throw those out, sentimental I guess?


Lovely that the maintenance man was so kind to tell someone about the blankets before so that they could be washed.

I'm sure he was messing with you there's no way a box of blankets infested with bedbugs would be laying around..

Bring a jacket to wear that's a bit more safe...

I would not say the post is bs. What the maintenance guy said to her was bs. These events could have taken place and the maintenance man was joking. The OP obviously feel for the joke not realizing it was a joke. I bet the maintenance man was laughing at him.

onorexveritas 23
ViviMage 39

Bedbug bites can take days to itch. And your shoes, clothes, hair, etc can infect your home! Bedbugs are easily 5 figures to get out of a house. You may need to burn those blankets. I'd report it to management and be ready to sue the employer to fumigate your house. I'm allergic and have scars from the Hilton.

DorkAlert 10

The blanks are infected, they are infested

DorkAlert 10

The blankets are not infected, they are infested with bed bugs.

kdbernie10 3

Chilly in the graveyard shift? Must have been the cold hand of Death. This time he just decided to make a slow and painful bed bug death.