Bugging out

By Anonymous - 23/06/2013 04:10 - United States - Seattle

Today, while working the graveyard shift at my hotel, it felt a little chilly, so I grabbed a blanket out of the box we usually store old blankets in. Twenty minutes later, the live-in maintenance man casually remarked that those blankets are all infected with bed-bugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 076
You deserved it 7 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They should've marked the box! You should definitely go take a shower and wash your clothes in hot water before it gets any worse.

You'd think your hotel would throw those out, sentimental I guess?


badluckdawson 19

Why didn't maintenance or management burn the blankets instead of leaving them in your hotel so that they can spread? Seems rather negligent.

> . > Graveyard shift is an idiom. It means overnight

Welcome to the Graveyard Inn, where you check in, but NEVER check out!

I thought that was the Hotel California.

I fully expected you to turn around and realize you took a corpse's blanket. Oh wait, I didn't see "hotel". This FML just got a whole lot less creepy.

Should have been stored like that, what an idiot

That sucks! I got bed bugs once, and they're a pain in the ass to deal with. As long as you wash your clothes in hot water and dry them on high before you bring them into your room at home, you should be fine.

And your boss hasn't thrown them away, why? I hope you don't get too sick!

perdix 29

It's infested, not infected. I guess getting the word wrong by one letter doesn't matter much when you are slowly getting devoured by a swarm of tiny carnivores.

badluckdawson 19