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Bunged up

By Anonymous - 17/03/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, the medication I’ve been taking has caused me to become constipated for so long I'm now unable to go, because all my poop is a solid mass in my bowels no stool softener can touch. So a surgeon is either going up my ass with a hose and a spoon, or cutting open my stomach to remove it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 564
You deserved it 89

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you need an enema. I promise you, administering one to yourself in the comfort of your home and own toilet is MUCH more ‘comfortable’ than having nursing staff do it and having to use the hospital bathroom. That’s what the doctors are going to do. They may give you some IV fluids as well to help keep things going, but that’s about it. Go to the pharmacy and pick one up yourself. Just make sure you have an afternoon and evening free before doing it; you’ll be in the loo awhile. To prevent this in the future (speaking as someone who also takes constipating medications), I recommend a small handful of almonds and/or walnuts daily, making sure to drink lots of water daily (I drink 2.5L of non caffeinated tea since I don’t like regular water that much), and some exercises that require your core muscles. Also, oatmeal, high fibre cereals, raisins or fibre powders can help. If you are having a hard time going, a cup of strong coffee or an espresso shot can help - just don’t overdo the caffeine often as it can dehydrate, which leads to more constipation. But it does work in a pinch. And avoid laxatives as much as possible, as they can cause worsening constipation. Good luck!

Impaction is not fun. All the sympathies. But once it's cleared, you'll feel much better about life. Violated but better. You need either the fiber drinks to go with your meds or you need to eat a fair chunk of rabbit food and fruit everyday. If that doesn't help then you really need to change meds. 99% of the time there is an alternative that won't affect you so badly. If it's painkillers (looking at you, Co-codomol) then make them change it. Most NHS places have a Patient Advocate service who should be able to stand in your corner with you to get things sorted. 🫂


Sounds like you need an enema. I promise you, administering one to yourself in the comfort of your home and own toilet is MUCH more ‘comfortable’ than having nursing staff do it and having to use the hospital bathroom. That’s what the doctors are going to do. They may give you some IV fluids as well to help keep things going, but that’s about it. Go to the pharmacy and pick one up yourself. Just make sure you have an afternoon and evening free before doing it; you’ll be in the loo awhile. To prevent this in the future (speaking as someone who also takes constipating medications), I recommend a small handful of almonds and/or walnuts daily, making sure to drink lots of water daily (I drink 2.5L of non caffeinated tea since I don’t like regular water that much), and some exercises that require your core muscles. Also, oatmeal, high fibre cereals, raisins or fibre powders can help. If you are having a hard time going, a cup of strong coffee or an espresso shot can help - just don’t overdo the caffeine often as it can dehydrate, which leads to more constipation. But it does work in a pinch. And avoid laxatives as much as possible, as they can cause worsening constipation. Good luck!

They have a suppository for that. Pop it in and it all comes out.

I believe you are truly up shit creek without a paddle.

Impaction is not fun. All the sympathies. But once it's cleared, you'll feel much better about life. Violated but better. You need either the fiber drinks to go with your meds or you need to eat a fair chunk of rabbit food and fruit everyday. If that doesn't help then you really need to change meds. 99% of the time there is an alternative that won't affect you so badly. If it's painkillers (looking at you, Co-codomol) then make them change it. Most NHS places have a Patient Advocate service who should be able to stand in your corner with you to get things sorted. 🫂