By jack - 27/08/2015 10:56 - United Kingdom - London
Same thing different taste
Bunged up
By Anonymous - 17/03/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 01/06/2016 11:05 - Canada - Saint-laurent
The joys of motherhood
By Bear - 24/05/2022 00:01
By Anonymous - 08/12/2010 02:38 - United States
Nice mental image
By Maggie - 17/03/2020 17:00
Helping hand
By Anonymous - 29/07/2020 05:01
By Numbass123 - 04/05/2014 17:17 - United States - Las Vegas
By Maddie - 22/03/2011 15:39
By 092492 - 05/03/2011 21:53 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/08/2019 20:00
Top comments
thats hot
So kinky I can't handle it
Weird fetish you got there...
nothing to do here anymore....
thanks bby
69th like ;);)
69 is hot
#1: Literally moist.
I guess using laxatives with your medication isn't recommended...?
There are loads of natural laxatives available though. OP should really talk to their doctor and sort out what they can and can't take; this just sounds dangerous tbh, as well obviously being gross.
Just because something is natural doesn't mean it won't interact with the medication you're on. A lot of natural remedies actually work similar to the drugs, so they have the same potential interactions and side effects.
Yup, but there's a bigger variety, so hopefully some of them will be okay? Plus if the constipation is merely a side effect rather than part of OPs condition/illness, hopefully the side effects of combating it shouldn't be too related either?
Fiber is your friend.
True eat lots of fibre it will help
Chinese food and Mexican food work great as laxatives.
haha. loads.
Eat a whole box of Fiber One bars, it'll clean you right up
Too much fibre can cause constipation too though.
that sounds terrible, OP. have you tried talking to a doctor to see if you can try a different medication that won't give you these side effects?
It's possible, but if it's pain medication such as codeine or something then sometimes there isn't much other choice, if there is only that medication that works well for managing OPs symptoms. Sorry for my poor English, it's my second language.
your English is really good. American English is really difficult to learn because words have different meanings and it really doesn't make any sense as to why.. she's right, you speak English a lot better then some Americans, good job
English is hard? Try learn Chinese!
#109 supposedly American English is the hardest language to lean. Example: "Can you open the can?" Someone who isn't familiar with English would be so confused with that. And btw, I think you meant "Try to learn Chinese!"
In Chinese, "Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi" = 事实是事实 is a legit sentence. Go figure.
#133: In English, so is Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
The Chinese sentence means facts are facts. What does your English sentence mean?
@109 my first language is Welsh, so yes, English was very difficult to work, as a language it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me. Thank you for being so kind everyone, although one thing, I live in the UK not America haha.
that's a shame, mate
That sounds like a horrible situation :/
I was hoping you would write "what a horrible shituation." But alas, it wasn't meant to be.
I was thinking more of "What a shitty situation"
Too predictable #114
For the year.
That's enough internet for today.
I guess using laxatives with your medication isn't recommended...?