
By morningeyes - 19/05/2009 14:19 - United States

Today, I was trying to remove a temporary tattoo my friend put on my cheek. When warm water and soap didn't work, I tried something else. Just so you know, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers do not, in fact, work by magic. Tell that to the massive chemical burn covering half my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 136
You deserved it 95 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

monkeyz0r 0

LOL fail one time i put a backyardigans tattoo on my ass and it stuck to my underwear

Smart. Not the best idea, now is it? Magic erasers are not for bodies.


meddude 0

wait. isn't the magic eraser supposed to work on clothing that you're wearing, sorta like that Tide pen thing? that doesn't sound safe...

Trying to erase yourself, there? Look, next time you need to know something like that, run it through a search engine. "How to remove temporary tattoos" would probably have given you way less painful alternatives. You can also call your public library's reference desk with questions.

EmbryH 0

lol same thing happened to my best friend. I TOLD her, but noooooo.

it says on the package to not use them on skin.

hahahaahhhaahah best FML ever..except YDI.

Why would you use a random chemical!?

clockworkrainbow 3

I think YDI. Try a little bit of rubbing alcohol BEFORE using caustic chemicals on your face.

I would tell your burn, and it would probably say "yes, I know that mr. clean isn't made of magic, that's why I exist."

Tim3 0

are you one of those people who forget to breath every once and a while?