By Extended_desktop - 11/09/2011 17:53 - Poland

By Extended_desktop - 11/09/2011 17:53 - Poland
By Anonymous - 26/12/2014 22:38 - United States - Dearborn
By retard99 - 21/03/2010 04:04 - Canada
By Anonymous - 14/11/2013 10:57 - Australia - Brisbane
By Anonymous - 04/06/2011 00:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/01/2011 19:59 - United Kingdom
By toiletgirl - 14/12/2009 23:26 - United States
By diddlysquat - 14/01/2009 08:49 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 10/07/2015 18:19 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 22/10/2011 23:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/12/2009 08:39 - United States
Super LOL
I'm trying to think of ways I could make it not seem so bad if this ever happened to me..I can't think of any, FYL and good luck with the next girl.
Why were you looking at **** at the same time as hooking up?
My thoughts exactly.
#58, read the post carefully before making a stupid comment so you would understand he was chatting with her on the computer, but wanted to hook up with her.
Say, "my brother did that"
How could you be bored, yet talking to a girl you wanted to get with?
"... Uhhhh... We should try this." might have been an ok response... Idk pal
Am I the only girl that wouldn't mind? :scratches head: I mean, as long as it's not girl on girl, I could care less.
Unless she's really stupid, she must know that most guys watch ****, so it won't really be a surprise.
Looks like you'll be googling **** more often now! Lol :) it's ok, tomorrow is always a new day!
People look up ****?
Conversation starter? Does she watch the same categories you do?
If you wanted to get with the girl you were talking to, you should've been talking to her instead of going on a **** website. YDI my friend.
Op can want two things at once.
Op can want two things at once.
Op can want two things at once.
Op can want two things at once.
41- SPAM!
Apparently 41 wanted four things at once
52- thanks bro, I appreciate it...
Too...much...irony... *head explodes*
8 actualy...
Hey some gingers are hot, and have a soul! Just gotta know whrere to look...
The key word in this fml is "been" which is past tense which would incline op was no longer talking to her...
Or maybe she's ON that site.....
OP: Types **** site into chat. *Panic* Girl: Shit... You found it. OP: Found what? Girl: Never mind.... OP: Searches her. Finds her. Suddenly it doesn't matter as much if he gets her or not. But if she's on there she could be open to it.
Was it pornhub?
I was wondering the same
I'm guessing you never did well with compound words.
Leave the comment maker thing. Then try postin it again. It always works for me.
Pornhub is great, so is xnxx! I use them both. Not many people know about the latter, but I highly recommend it.
Rulertube. Nuff said.
This guy knows whats up
47 - I don't know what it is either, but Japan didn't have it..
Has anyone realized you're all comparing your favorite **** sites? What is wrong with you people? There are children on here! Btw mine is pornhub too.
Kids shouldn't be here. The site is 16+. I'm sucha hypocrite... I been here for 2 years and I just hit 16...
Haha porns **** so any works for me but the best would probably be googlehammer.com check it out ;)
Youtube does the job.
Go there very often? Why not just go out and get laid?
Youjizz and youporn! This is probably weird coming from a girl but whatever
haha good choice ;)
#27 Wtf?
You should always double check.
Well **** is two naked lovers having sexual intercourse. So I'm pretty sure it would be easy to tell if it's a **** site or not.
Words of advice: Double check your comment before grammar Nazis found out. That's probably why the FML team added the edit feature when you make a comment. Av least that's how it is on the app.
Oh ok my mistake, sorry.
but you know she's going to click on it.
X] It's ok. Hahaha. Mistakes were meant to be corrected.
I found out about **** when I was 9, the hard way.
110 please be kidding.
119- How hard exactly?
Im pretty sure 6 yr olds know about ****
144 Probably not very... I was only 9
Don't worry! Just because you've ruined any chance you had with the girl doesn't mean she'll never be interested in you- oh wait, it does.
If you wanted to get with the girl you were talking to, you should've been talking to her instead of going on a **** website. YDI my friend.