
By Chops - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was walking from my office to the place I had parked my car, a distance of approximately three blocks. As I was about to round the last corner, I was forced to dive out of the way of a speeding car. When I looked up, I noticed that it was my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 100 328
You deserved it 4 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NOOOOOO WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY shit, that ******* sucks. i'm sorry, buddy.

'Cause you were there and would know right?


#18, you're just stupid! who can't describe their own car to the cops?! #19, I don't see what's so hard to believe about a car theft, they happen all the time!

That sux but is incredibly funny. Totally made my day (yes i know i'm a horrible person)

i dont see how some people would click "u deserved that one" its not like he/she parked in diabled person/tow-away or in front of a hydrant. That really sucks hope u got your car back :)

They want to be 'different', so they pick YDI even though they don't deserve it.

wickedsick 0

Ahhh. That's ******. Sorry.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Wow. I'm a kind of grammar nazi (with stuff like "should of" or your/you're), but I-capitalization? Seriously? Pull your head out of your ass.

hihowudern 0
mokielove 10

confused ok you parked your car a distance of 3 blocks. as you were turning the last corner you saw the car and dodged out the way. how did your car go that far turn corners, and almost hit you. do you get what I'm saying makes no sense.

furubafan74 18

Somebody stole OP's car. That's the FML.