Caked and baked

By nocakeforyou! - 15/03/2011 13:11

Today, I came home to my drunk husband, to find that he raided our fridge and freezer to soothe his beer munchies. That would have been fine, had he not eaten the top tier of our wedding cake I'd been saving to eat on our first wedding anniversary, which is in 4 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 215
You deserved it 14 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The tradition of eating the top tier on the first anniversary is ridiculous. We tried that, and the cake was as moist as an 80 year old pussy. You should thank him for saving you from eating that.

MarineWifey88 3

My husband spent our first anniversary in Iraq. we didn't get to spend an anniversary together until our 4th anniversary and by then, we were scared of the cake and threw it out.


GeneralMotors 23
JasonEP 3

op got this from my name is earl.

apegirl907 0

nasty a year old cake? really?

XxPurplePandaxX 0

heyy OP in four days it's my birthday ;)

he sounds awesome, I wanna hang with that dude

Gaiwa 0

Eating that shit after a year... seriously? What tradition is that? The "One-Year-Food Poisoning"-Tradition o_O. And no, even a freezer can keep it okay for one year. Never heard of this before and Im wondering who would anything that stupid... bacteria, mold... badfrlajdf... so gross...

monnanon 13

for the last time the cake is FINE. it is not a sponge cake it is a fruitcake, you know, that really heavy stodgy stuff with raisens through it. If it is frozen it will be fine even if it is kept in a tin without the icing and other decorations it is fine, no food poisening, not even a little bit. I have never heard anyone say their cake tasted horrible and it is kept til the first christening here, can be 3 or 4 years old by the time it is eaten. If you guys are finding your cake is horrible then find someone that can actually make a damn fruitcake. If you are like me and don't like the stuff then i suppose you can buy one on the day because sponge isn't going to keep that long.

denvan 0

Just buy a new cake and stop your bitching

Divorce him at once. If he is drunk in a year, what kind will he be in 10 or more years? Will he hit you, kick you? Will he take care of your children? Woman, it is a drunk husband. Is it natural to you?! So divorce him.