Caught in 1080p

By wtf - 16/05/2014 22:25 - Australia - Narangba

Today, I started watching porn in my room with the volume muted. A minute later, my dad knocked on the door, so I closed everything and called him in. He just said, "Son, you disgust me." and walked out. Now I'm too paranoid to use my own computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 645
You deserved it 15 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SDee1234 11

Thats almost scary lol. He's spying on you:-P

Maybe he noticed that everything was closed, so he assumed you were doing the nasty.


Your dad probably has CIA spy training.

He must have accidentally connected his computer to a Bluetooth speaker in another part of his house.

Merylwen 24

Yeah, poor you. It's so horrible that your father wants to educate you correctly and put some morals in your head.

Next time, remember that even fathers are capable of using Wireshark, that is, by running the capture and just scanning the lines for **** website names without understanding anything about the reassembled PDUs that bring you your pleasure.

dave20012 15

Just tell him it's all part if life and don't act like you didn't do it.

That's why you do that shit when everyone's asleep. I've resorted to going under my covers and using my iPad because I'm getting so paranoid.

He probaly was monitoring the wifi router's history

I gotta know... What kind of **** where you looking at? Your dad does it too op..

For all we know OP could have been making noises, so maybe the dad heard that..