Caught in 404p

By lizzie - 25/05/2013 06:55 - Canada - Sherwood Park

Today, it was my wedding. Every good wedding has slutty wedding sex, and I thought it would be over after my cousin and his girlfriend were caught in the parking lot. I was wrong, the sluttiest wedding sex goes to my drunk husband and my sister in the coat room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 333
You deserved it 5 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

audreyfml1994 15

It's not too late to get it annulled.

This story ended much differently than how I thought it would. You don't have to stay with someone who will disrespect you like that.


Lorena Bobbitt has a way to deal with the Soon-To-Be-Ex-Husband. As for the Sister I suggest a vicious Poster campaign, in Supermarket's, in Salons, Buy space on Billboards with her picture and an explanation of what she did.

Iniezian 18

While I agree that the guy is a dick, these kinds of comments disgust me. What if it was the other way around and someone suggesting that the husband kick his cheating wife's ass or mutilate her? What would be the reaction then? Screw these double standards.

Doing it is (obviously) Not A Good Thing (tm). Thinking about doing it, on the other hand can bring almost as much satisfaction without the whole "inflicting a major and possibly life threatening injury" thing.

marinewife01 16

Oh sweet heart. I'm so sorry.

now ex husband and ex sister right?

Seriously how can someone deserve this?

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Oh my god, I'm so sorry OP get it annulled immediately!