The one with the wedding

By Anonymous - 06/06/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, as I’m single, I got permission to bring a friend as my plus-one to my sister's wedding. He’s religious so I thought of all people he’d be one to behave. Nope. He got plastered on champagne, slapped the brides ass as she was walking down the aisle with our dad, then started a fight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 492
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In the movie “Maltese Falcon” Mr Guttman says to Sam that he doesn’t trust a man who doesn’t drink because once he does he may lose control. I think that applies to your friend… OP, I understand your embarrassment but ultimately unless you took part in the ruckus, your “friend” bears responsibility for his actions. Do not defend the indefensible - it just gets the blame spread to you if you try. I’d also suggest seeing less of that idiot.

Religious people are often the biggest hypocrites and the ones you really have to watch out for.


In the movie “Maltese Falcon” Mr Guttman says to Sam that he doesn’t trust a man who doesn’t drink because once he does he may lose control. I think that applies to your friend… OP, I understand your embarrassment but ultimately unless you took part in the ruckus, your “friend” bears responsibility for his actions. Do not defend the indefensible - it just gets the blame spread to you if you try. I’d also suggest seeing less of that idiot.

Religious people are often the biggest hypocrites and the ones you really have to watch out for.