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Caught in 404p

By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 04:49 - Canada

Today, my mom had a talk with me while my dad was out. She said to stop using her lotion for my masturbation sessions. I asked her how long did she know. She replied with, "Ever since we put up that camera in the living room for burglars, where you happen to watch your porn." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 319
You deserved it 51 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't you notice a camera? But do it in your room next time. -.-


hahahahahahahahahahaä I do it after my rents go to bed

Person000 0

this is soooooo god damn fake. 1 no mom would ask her son that she would say "have u been using my lotion" no mention of fapping. 2 why wouldnt they tell u about a cam. 3. this doesn't happen no parent goes HEY I WATCHED U F

Person000 0

NO parent would ever go to their son saying HEY I WAS WATCHING YOU JACK OFF ON MY SECRET CAMERa, STOP USING MY Lotion. son: oH!!HOW LoNg DID U KnOW. that doesn't happen

Shouldn't you notice a camera? But do it in your room next time. -.-

Nah, if I was him, next time I would find the camera, ********** right in front of it and ejaculate on the lens...


39- or just stare intensely into the lens while ejaculating xD

GoPro should make the jack-cam now, itll mount to it somehow

OptimusSlime 23

Maybe OP has to share a room... Although they could've done in literally any other room.

asdtertrwttewt 2

In case you're wondering about the "You Deserved That One" results, it's because you did it in the lounge room.

lmmmr 0
hotstuff81 0

AWKARD. That halarious, but if I were you I would ********** in my room.

You deserve it for fapping in a shared room.

hugzandkisses666 0

people always call it that on the internet

Snuwishuhad 0

That has to be disturbing. Though I don't know what is more disturbing, this FML, or the fact that your mom not only approached you about it but watched closely enough to realize you used her lotion on more than one occasion.

You totally read my mind. And OP; YDI for masturbating in the living room. ********** in your own room. Though I also agree with #10 on the privacy part. My guess is that if you would've known there was a camera, this wouldn't have happened.

Seems like a good way to raise a serial killer. "Hey let's totally violate our son's privacy by spying on him with a hidden camera, then humiliate him by telling him we saw him masturbating. That should really help his normal sexual development." Yep, nothing could go wrong with that plan. Setting up a camera to catch a burglar, and not telling your own son about it? Sure that makes so much sense...

Wow, I didn't even think of that! But yeah, FYL for getting caught, F your mom's life for you using her lotion, and YDI for doing it in the living room!

good guess #15, i think youre right. although it is possible that he would have jacked off even though he knew his parents were watching him on camera.

i'd have to agree, someone should have told you they put a camera there. i mean seriously, what the ****? its like "oh hun i forgot to tell you that i installed a camera in the living room for burglers but all this time i've been watching you **********?" your mother is creepy because obviously she's been watching you do this for awhile and didn't tell you that there's a camera there. honestly, you deserve it though, i mean can't you go ********** in your own room and not in a public area? but i still think your mother or father should have mentioned it to you.

Yeah, uh...that's just plain weird.

godyourethick 0

I'd be worried about your family that they put up cameras without telling you. Not saying a lot for their respect for privacy, even if it is in a shared room.

They might have told him, and he forgot.

He could be a college student who isn't home most of the time. During the school year, my parents make plenty of changes to the house without telling me. I just tend to notice them at some point later on when I come back home.