
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend got mugged. I found out because the mugger had the courtesy to ring me, after I texted several times asking where he was, to say, "He won't reply. He got robbed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 088
You deserved it 3 216

Top comments

okay so I know it's wrong to be mugged and whatever, but it's pretty funny that he texted back saying that, amirite? :P


nobody_u_ko 0

how is this f your life.... more like f your boyfriends life

your life doesn't suck but your boyfriend's does....

I'm thinking **** your boyfriends life for not carrying a gun for situations like that. Then the phone call would have went something like this...babe, I can't talk right now, I just shot this overly quick whited bastard who was trying to rob me.

It's illegal to carry a gun in the UK without a licence, and even then I don't think that gives you any kind of right to carry it around wherever you go.

#65 Seriously? I don't know anyone who owns a gun.

I'm sure you know someone who owns a gun, there just has not been a reason to tell you or show you lol

kandismichelle 0

Pretty much everyone in Texas owns a gun. and alottt of them carry them on them. and if someone ha a gun on them and didn't take it out and shoot the mugger, they should get arrested:)))

You deserved it because this isn't an FML. This is an F HIS life.

You deserved it because this isn't an FML. This is an F HIS life.

xMissxMurderx 1

this is actually funny as hell!

PaperCandles 0

how is that an fml? you arent the one who got mugged

That's the kind of person I'd like to be mugged by.