
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my five year-old daughter came up to me and asked, "Mom, why are we so poor?" I replied, in a sweet motherly tone, "Honey, we're not poor." She then asked, "Then why do you dress like we are poor?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 564
You deserved it 8 367

Top comments

turtlellama 0

What kind of friends does this girl have?

thattickles 0

ouch, she's starting off early. i only started questioning if we were poor when i was 15. and we are, but really it doesn't matter. show your kid there are better things in life than money.


She's five, she probably didn't mean it. XD

karmas_a_bitch 0

I am so going shopping with your daughter one day. She won't sugarcoat anything

teach your kid some manners, i had way more tact than that at that age, if i had said anything like that to anybody i'd have been chin deep in shit

deegee12 0

I saw this post when i was moderating FMLs. It was spelled all wrong and had really bad grammar. But now it doesn't. weird..

you can still dress nice even if you're poor. i buy all my clothes second-hand and get compliments all the time. but thats sad that a 5 year old thinks that you gotta be rich to look nice...

Wow you must wear the woooorst and grubbiest clothes for her to come to the conclusion that your family is poor. That is awful. YDI.

Futt_Buck 0

lol #9, way to go on thinking that your mom was hawt!!

Maybe show her how real poor people in third world countries dress and see if she still feels the same.