
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my five year-old daughter came up to me and asked, "Mom, why are we so poor?" I replied, in a sweet motherly tone, "Honey, we're not poor." She then asked, "Then why do you dress like we are poor?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 564
You deserved it 8 367

Top comments

turtlellama 0

What kind of friends does this girl have?

thattickles 0

ouch, she's starting off early. i only started questioning if we were poor when i was 15. and we are, but really it doesn't matter. show your kid there are better things in life than money.


Kids say the darndest things! I hope she doesn't turn into a label-chaser... :P J/k. It's probably no big deal.

LilleyWhite 0

what is a five year old doing knowing about being poor. That should be a happy time...not one worried about money

philosopher 0

Oh please, all things that kids say are true. They just don't have the inhibitions that we do. A kid's balls could not have dropped yet, but at the same time he could have more than the rest of us.

050294 0

Bullshit. I hate the excuse that that when a child says something rude they are being "brutally honest". Kids say rude things mainly to get attention or to just mess with people. /end of rant

My sisters have the same mentality and they are twice her age....Don't worry about it, hopefully she will grow out of it.

This is one of the better FMLs I've read. Well done for raising such a hilarious daughter.

rakhil11 7

i think the OP just has a more classical style, actually...cuz so many ppl (that i know) think that if u like classic clothing, ur poor...look @ selena gomez though peeps!

amazingkate 0

do you dress in browns and greys, with decorative holes and stitches? she's five. she wants clothes in bright colors with non knockoff disney characters. you can get that shit at ross and stuff, so go buy her a few wardrobe staples. i used to think my family was poor because my clear plastic sandwich bags didn't zip at the top. kids get weird ideas sometimes.

Luneth101 0

Ouch. Well, kids are honest, but they don't always have the right opinion. For instance, she might not really understand fashion, and just might think you dress poor in her own eyes. Btw, to all the people saying that she is a greedy person that cares about only money, the OP should sit her daughter down and explain to her that money isn't everything; however, children normally don't start maturing enough to see past themselves until they're around eight years old. Until then, most children are extremely self-centered and don't have much empathy for anyone.

Haha, im sure she didn't mean to sound that harsh.