Classic prank

By CelibateHero - 05/10/2013 06:31 - United States - Notre Dame

Today, as I was walking home, a car drove through a puddle and splashed me like in a cheesy movie. As if that wasn't annoying enough, the driver had to pull over because she was laughing too hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 996
You deserved it 3 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to dampen your spirits but water we supposed to do? That's frankly quite funny.

reneebellinger 8

You should have given them a hug after!


lmao!! That happened to my ex once on our way to a club. He's 6'3" and it splashed the WHOLE way up his back. I Was ahead of him looking back. And I must say it was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen! Sorry for you it happened though. Wet cloths is maga uncomfortable

reymon8823 24

That happened to me yesterday only the driver turned around to do it again after i flipped him off

i would laugh too because its hilarious, its happened to me before op and all i did was laugh at it too because it was funny. Yes wet clothes are uncomfortable but now you have a funny story to tell.

happyfingers 15

I would have laughed too if I were her. Heck, I'd have laughed if I'd just seen it happen to you. Sorry OP. But you do know how funny it is, right? Cuz you're a good sport... Riiight? :D

Track her down and set her house on fire.