Classic prank

By CelibateHero - 05/10/2013 06:31 - United States - Notre Dame

Today, as I was walking home, a car drove through a puddle and splashed me like in a cheesy movie. As if that wasn't annoying enough, the driver had to pull over because she was laughing too hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 996
You deserved it 3 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to dampen your spirits but water we supposed to do? That's frankly quite funny.

reneebellinger 8

You should have given them a hug after!


Should've spit on the drivers window.

She won't be laughing if you ran towards her car.

if you had gotten their license plate number, you can call the cops and they can get a ticket for that.

Jst4kicks 16

should of been like its such a glorriiiousss day..then bear hugged her.. then throw her in the puddle

I throw rocks at cars that do that to me.

kmf_stephyc 2

it's weird when people laugh at other peoples misfortunes as if they'll never have one of their own ...

Well that would dampen anyones mood ._. she deserves a hug..