Classy dude

By tw@ - 28/09/2014 15:30 - United Kingdom - Watford

Today, my drunk husband came home, got into bed, and started humping the body pillow. He ended up whining about how I hadn't come yet, then angrily slurred that I must be cheating on him. All I could do was stay quiet and wonder how the idiot even made it home alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 849
You deserved it 4 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets hope he's a totally different guy when he's sober...


divorce him and let him marry that pillow...

If he drove, I'd call the cops for a DUI. Yep. I did it when I was young and stupid. But then I realized that it's not just me that'll die or be maimed.

did you call the cops to tell them you were DUI, as well?

I'm sorry but that's hilarious!! hahahaha

I would of video taped him then showed him later

Is this normal behavior for him? If so, I'd consider getting him help.

Why divorce he was just being a drunken idiot by the sound of it

"all I could do was stay quiet..." Why? Why couldn't you say something to him about it?

Because it was far too hilarious to let it happen, and take video for future blackmail purposes :P

150493x 29

he is a keeper.. though he was drunk, he only thought of u.. but on a side note, rofl