Classy dude

By tw@ - 28/09/2014 15:30 - United Kingdom - Watford

Today, my drunk husband came home, got into bed, and started humping the body pillow. He ended up whining about how I hadn't come yet, then angrily slurred that I must be cheating on him. All I could do was stay quiet and wonder how the idiot even made it home alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 849
You deserved it 4 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets hope he's a totally different guy when he's sober...


I seriously would have started laughing uncontrollably.

Only 2 kind of people tells the truth: toddlers and drunk people

Better the pillow than you. I don't think he could properly do it with you if he's that drunk. That pillow just saved you from a lot of pain.

by come home drunk with out wife. what do you think have him go out get drunk and have fun while his wife at home. it doesn't look right.

44, everyone instantly turns to breakups or divorce on here. 58. what?

I'm kinda hoping you recorded this once in a lifetime moment.