Classy dude

By tw@ - 28/09/2014 15:30 - United Kingdom - Watford

Today, my drunk husband came home, got into bed, and started humping the body pillow. He ended up whining about how I hadn't come yet, then angrily slurred that I must be cheating on him. All I could do was stay quiet and wonder how the idiot even made it home alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 849
You deserved it 4 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets hope he's a totally different guy when he's sober...


LuckBeNimble 19

18: you do know this is a HUMOR site, right? I don't think an overwhelming percentage of society finds domestic abuse humorous. relax.

jajajanie 13

Heyy... at least he is concerned about your needs as well!

Should have recorded it all and played it back for him in the morning.

missnuthin 10

an old saying: In wine there is truth. meaning people act/talk how they really feel when drunk. i have a personal practice of not being friends with people i can't stand when they're drunk.

saffy66 34

I'd have filmed it - or smacked him over the head in the midst of it and screamed, "who's that you're hooking up with you cheating bastard"!!

If you can't handle the liqs, don't drink!

BWAHAHAHAHHA!! The best part is that you didn't bother to say anything the whole time, just let him go on. I'm sorry, that's unfortunate but hilarious.