Classy dude

By tw@ - 28/09/2014 15:30 - United Kingdom - Watford

Today, my drunk husband came home, got into bed, and started humping the body pillow. He ended up whining about how I hadn't come yet, then angrily slurred that I must be cheating on him. All I could do was stay quiet and wonder how the idiot even made it home alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 849
You deserved it 4 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets hope he's a totally different guy when he's sober...


*throws a dictionary at #15's head. Here's some more!

If he did drive home himself then you need to have a serious talk with him! You may want to consider making him take a cab (or get a ride from a friend or even having you drop him off) if he's going to go out drinking seeing as you can't trust him (and he can't trust himself) to not drive while drunk.

Astrum14 24

How can you be pretty sure he isn't always like this? Do you know OP and/or her husband? Maybe the husband is an abuser and the reason she was staying quiet instead of speaking up was because she didn't want him to turn his attention to her. Not saying it's true, but I have the same amount of proof for my theory as you do for saying he's not always like that.

This needs a follow up. What happened after this... issue?

this is absolutely hilarious i dont know how you couldn't have been in tears laughing as it was happening

This was my first reaction and then I came to the very concerned and sincere comment section. Guess we're not mature yet.

chocolatefrog28 29

If this isn't a usual thing for him, one night you should come home late and pretend to have a go with the body pillow yourself while he's in bed, see what he says the next morning.

Wait until the next time he comes home really drunk and be humping it when he walks into the bedroom. She really needs to record that.

I would have pulled out my phone and video taped it! LMAO.

that's scary.. I'd lock him out of the room haha