Classy dude

By tw@ - 28/09/2014 15:30 - United Kingdom - Watford

Today, my drunk husband came home, got into bed, and started humping the body pillow. He ended up whining about how I hadn't come yet, then angrily slurred that I must be cheating on him. All I could do was stay quiet and wonder how the idiot even made it home alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 849
You deserved it 4 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets hope he's a totally different guy when he's sober...


Well in all fairness you're the idiot that married him.

Htaed_Doolb 16

this has to be one of the best FML I've ever read.

Doesn't mean you're not cheating. You're a woman. Therefor, you have or are currently cheating. While he's drunk, why not fess up and just admit it seeing how he won't remember anyway and that way you can clear your conscience.

I'm hoping this is sarcasm. Otherwise, you have some warped ideas about women.

You should be happy he's home and loyal

Nickoli42 3

record it. use it against him later. lol

momac86 17

I'd've been pissed he thought I felt like a lumpy pillow

Next time tap him on the shoulder and tell him that you are behind him so who is he cheating on you with.

orbit 22

If he abused her this fml would be different.