Classy guy

By NewlyDread - 06/02/2013 02:31 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my boyfriend and I were looking at engagement rings. When the store owner asked about our budget, my boyfriend said with a straight face, "Nothing too expensive, I have a big penis so I don't have to overcompensate by buying a big diamond." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 427
You deserved it 7 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Your boyfriend is the most awesome man to have ever walked the earth if he said that with a straight face.

Having big boobs can help you in life from time to time (well, so I'm told), so it should only be fair if having big penis did that, too.

DasHaas 9

He clearly has a sense of humor and good understanding of the things in life that are really important. Methinks if you consider this an FML, maybe you don't.

Satoaoi 13

oh damn in front of the jeweler lol

Psycho_Babydoll 26

..Well does he? Seriously though consider yourself lucky that you have a guy with a sense of humor (and apparently a big dick, too). YDI entirely if you're one of those women who throws a tantrum if her ring isn't the biggest, shiniest and most expensive there is.

You know, I don't consider myself one of those women who needs the "biggest, shiniest diamond" and I'd still find his comment rude. Does a girl have to prove to you they aren't some nasty gold digger to you before you can fork over even a little understanding?

"Does a girl have to prove she isn't a gold digger before you buy her an incredibly expensive and meaningful diamond on an incredibly expensive and meaningful band of gold?" uhhhh... Yeah, pretty much

I hate expensive jewelry and would never want a big honking diamond, but I would not be amused if the guy I was thinking of marrying told a complete stranger about the size of his equipment and that he didn't have to overcompensate because of it. It's just rude.

Just say, I think you need to re-word that: You ARE one, you don't HAVE one, OR a fiancéé for that matter!!

sierra142 19
perdix 29

That could work out in the "long" run ;) Sure, you're get a cheap diamond, but he won't go wasting money on Corvettes, Hummers and guns.