
By liquidknight - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while trying to change my visiting cousin's opinion about our state being "redneck and white trash", we stumbled upon a proposal/celebration in a Walmart. So much for changing her opinion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 567
You deserved it 4 182

Top comments

It doesn't matter what state you live in, that's Walmart.

IQuicklyEscalate 0

That means nothing… walmart is a very classy place.


tigergirl123 7

I'm from Alabama And it truly does sound like something that would happen here!

Yeah but that's Walmart. I love Walmart but come on where else are you gonna see Blacktain America, men in dresses and two McDonald's in one store. ?

If ANYONE says something about Texas, I swear I will find you and and I will drop-kick you. That is all. K, thanks. (:

It's not Texas, it's the people in Texas. Looking forward to the dropkick.

lsfactor 4

Everything's bigger in Texas! Do you need any help finding me? I can forward you my address ;)

tell your snooty snobby bitch cousin to go home and not bother if she's gonna be that way.

KiddNYC1O 20

"You know what I love about this country?! Ah, trick question! I love everrrything about this country!"

if that was your goal, you should have avoided Wal-Mart

cherrydrpepper 6

Oh gosh. That sounds like Missouri.