
By chrono64 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found a pair of glasses in my car. I don't wear glasses, and nobody besides myself has been in my car lately. It appears that someone has been sleeping in my car and forgot their glasses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 807
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments, thank you. i've been looking for those. if you leave them in the cup holder i will remember to take them. Thank you for finding them, i've had a hard time finding your car since i lost them.

Unless there's piss, shit, crabs, blood and/or vomit in your car, your life is not ******.


welderchick87 0

There's this nifty thing that cars have...called 'Locking doors'. You either lock them from inside your car by pressing a button....OR...if you have a button on your keychain thingy ma that. It really helps keep unwanted guests out of your car. To make sure they really stay out, make sure all your windows are up all the way, and if you have a convertable, make sure your top is up. It should help...a lot.

I have a sister who doesn't care about locking the doors!

Locks...they come standard on the car. Use them. YDI

You don't know how long the glasses have been there... they could have been left by a friend a long time ago.

Exactly what I was thinking. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion of, "SOMEONE IS SLEEPING IN MY CAR!!" That's kinda a huge jump to automatically make.

Mx_Rider 6

so................ you will live op.. fyl anyways.

shut the **** up about mlia. it's annoying to always see people commenting "mlia!" for every three out of five fml's. if they're posted on fml, theyre FMLs, not MLIAs. if moderaters thought they would qualify for fml, theyre FMLs. you want MLIAs, go to the website.

go_rangers 0

Today, I found some free glasses!! FML.