
By chrono64 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found a pair of glasses in my car. I don't wear glasses, and nobody besides myself has been in my car lately. It appears that someone has been sleeping in my car and forgot their glasses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 807
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments, thank you. i've been looking for those. if you leave them in the cup holder i will remember to take them. Thank you for finding them, i've had a hard time finding your car since i lost them.

Unless there's piss, shit, crabs, blood and/or vomit in your car, your life is not ******.


Times are tough and some people have it tougher than you. That guy needed some respite from the cold, not because it was your car, but because it was some form of shelter. Help him by finding him some form of shelter, not by whining about it here.

Oh, good. I was wondering where I left those.

cligs13 0

Wait...I lost my glasses in someone's car a few months ago. And this says you're from Wisconsin. These legitimately might be mine. Are they Ray Bans?

LaVelle 0

So you stomp them into little pieces and leave them on top of your car in case they come back. Oh, and lock your car.

Reila_Ame 0

YDI for not locking your car.. Still pretty funny though..

swantonboy96 0

leave your door unlocked 1 more night so they come back to sleep, wait paciently, while there sleeping piss on there face! see if they;ll do it again!!!

The locks could have been not working properly without the OP knowing. It reminds me of when I opened the passenger door to my dad's car one time, and he was wondering how in the world I opened it without him opening the locks. Turns out that no matter if we opened or locked the car, that door would open no matter what. So FYL for possibly screwed-up locks?

Get a car alarm, that will stop them from sleeping in it.

y is that an fml? they didn't do n e thing 2 ur car.