
By chrono64 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found a pair of glasses in my car. I don't wear glasses, and nobody besides myself has been in my car lately. It appears that someone has been sleeping in my car and forgot their glasses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 807
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments, thank you. i've been looking for those. if you leave them in the cup holder i will remember to take them. Thank you for finding them, i've had a hard time finding your car since i lost them.

Unless there's piss, shit, crabs, blood and/or vomit in your car, your life is not ******.


chrono64 0

For everyone who is mentioning locking doors, I have a door on my car that doesn't lock. I also actually found the guy in my car the next night.

Did you throw his glasses out when you found them or did you wuss out and leave them there for him to get back?

Then either get it repaired or take the door panel off and fix it yourself. Not hard. Still YDI.

Don't forget to throw the glasses in the trash. Smash 'em first if you want.

i_say_rawr 0

ahh! creepy hobo in your car!? i'd freak out!

today, i lost my glasses fml lmao ojoj dat is creepy tho. if that person can get into your car how many other people can? anything could have been left in there lyk. i would check to make sure nothing has been planted, someone once put a gun in my granda's car so better safe than sorry. and keep a close eye on your car or it could go missing.

Metallica139 0
jhon316 0

i like how they said lately tht nobody has been in there hahahahah he just sold himslef out lol you have no friends and you closet friend is the guy that sleeps in your car and you dont even know them lmao

How do you know they were put in there recently? Maybe someone forgot about them and put them in a spot you weren't looking at in your car.Or maybe you gots a hobo sleeping in your car. ._. Have Fun...although i'm not sure how hobos can afford glasses.Oh well :P

Mattdude33 0

Meh, atleast you get a free pair of glasses.