
By mairelys - 26/01/2010 06:56 - Canada

Today, I tried talking to my boyfriend about our sex life. I was trying to express that I feel like we don't do it enough, but he wasn't very responsive. I ended up saying, "I wish you had a bigger sex drive" to which he answered, "I wish you had bigger boobs." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 983
You deserved it 10 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fishyfingaz 0

He's a defensive childish dick. Im sure you can do better.

your bf is an idiot. your boobs are perfect.


Skull_300 0

Haa haaaa haaaaaaaaa!!! I love reading these posts! **** him...Bang his brother!

yasmeenjonasx3 0

Ugh dude, guys are such douchebags. This gives me more of a reason to think all men only like big chested women... :(

SaturnE_fml 0

And all the "small dick" FML's here posted by women give you a chance to feel superior to men? Simple rules of discussion: 1) Pick the time and place carefully, make it a time when both people are relaxed and receptive 2) Make your point, then hear the other person out 3) Don't beat the point to death, bring it up, discuss it and then shut up and let the person think 4) Do not make attacking statements like "I wish you would, I wish you had, I wish you wouldn't"'s It's sad but true, most people take offensive to "blame placing"/"you suck because" statements, choose your wording. That said, it could also be that the boyfriend is just as ignorant of proper conversational intercourse. He heard what she had to say and responded with a "Well, you have this problem" attitude. It's sad, but a lot of people have this sociopathic perception of "working things out", instead of hearing each other and responding, they bring up their issues without addressing the other person's concerns. It becomes the "blame game". Banana Fanana Fo.

oh shizzy that's the best burn I've ever heard

Of course you probably blamed him for the problem you ******* bitch. Maybe you should learn to douche your rotten tuna crotch once in a while instead of blaming you bf of not having a sex drive. But of course there can't possibly be a problem with you.........

Why are people saying, "tell him you want a bigger penis"? Even if he did have a small penis, she is still begging for it right now, so his size is obviously not the problem.

I get it your in a gay relationship and he misses big boobs! Just gain some more kilos and then you you will have great sex life. Confucious says

you shouldve said you had a small package and make short deliveries lol

Button_Up 0

all types of women look good especially with smaller breasts lol. and you did offend him so the nearest thing he could say you got itty bitty *******