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By JaneDoe - 04/04/2013 02:51 - United States - Salisbury

Today, it was my friend's birthday, so I baked him a cake complete with his name written on it in homemade frosting. After I gave it to him, his mother berated me for it, saying I should have checked with her first before making a cake for her son. He's 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 762
You deserved it 2 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, how dare you make a cake for her son! Particularly with homemade frosting. Sheesh.

Don't worry, she's probably jealous that either your cake is better than hers, or that she didn't make one and that worries her for some reason. Just ignore it.


Yeah, how dare you make a cake for her son! Particularly with homemade frosting. Sheesh.

only acceptable if the Mom is a baker and that's "her gift" yearly. likelihood: low Sorry OP, sounds like its time to cut the umbilical cord on that one!

Even then, the guy is just a friend. Some men don't want to hurt their mom's feelings. For instance, I asked when my boyfriend wanted to celebrated his birthday with his mom, brother, nephews and I and then him and I. He actually chose to be with me on his birthday, in which I made him a cake. A couple days later, we celebrated with his family. He's very close to his mom so I was blown away that be chose to be with only me on his birthday. His response was, "I didn't want to hurt my mom's feelings so she thinks we just took it easy tonight." I'm lucky; he knows how to balance his closeness to his mom, without hurting her feelings, all whole not putting me off to the side.

it was my friends birthday. I baked him. the end

musicluvr2000 11

Ah, I see #44 is full of heart-warming stories.

She's been playing too much portal ("no, it's not a lie.. It's cake")

Don't worry, she's probably jealous that either your cake is better than hers, or that she didn't make one and that worries her for some reason. Just ignore it.

Her Cheesecake brings all the boys to the yard, his mom's like, it's better than mine, his mom's like, it's better than mine, she could teach her, but she'd have to charge.

Chucklikesbacon 12

It's nice that you have a picture of a pie as your profile pic. It's not quite a cake, but it adds to the comment.

She doesnt want to be undone, and you just crossed into uncharted territory, FYL

Sounds like the perfect cake to throw at the mother. Complete with homemade icing. Perhaps then the 28 year old boyfriend can stand up for you and quit being a mommies boy.

suboy 10

4. I think you mean outdone.

StarThrower 17

Probably, but I like "undone" better. It's poetic, and it implies that the thought of losing her son's attention throws her to the ground in ceaseless pain and terror, her very being's profound loneliness, tightly wrapped in layers of insecure attachment, exposed to the world, like an infected wound. To face her weaknesses, her hidden traumas and insecurities, her true self, is agonizing. It's an uncharted territory, with harsh terrain and unforgiving winds. And she must embark on it. Alone.

Awesome visual 49. The idea of her getting wrapped up in her own torment seems well placed and most fitting.

StarThrower 17

You flatter me. Just channeling my inner Garcia Marquez, I guess :)

Do you often go to poetry reading where people in really unflattering clothes snap their fingers instead of clap? Those places wig me out.

StarThrower 17

Never been to one, but I imagine it would be a fun experience, if taken with a grain of salt and a healthy dose of irony :) Let them have their spotlight where it is welcome, it's the healthiest way to get natural attention needs met.

It's kinda scary how clingy some mothers are. It's really selfish and unhealthy. I sure hope never to be like that.

Don't feel bad op! The mom is probably just really overprotective even though she has no right to be that way

Maybe she has bought so much food that she fears it will all end up in the thrash, certainly with an extra, unexpected cake. Only logical explanation I can think about.

Good thing he is just a friend and not your boyfriend. Can you imagine her as a possible mother-in-law? "You should have asked me first before having sex with my son!"

yoursucklives 36

i don't bake my boyfriend a cake for his birthday, because i know his mother does. if that's the case, you could have checked with her first. if not, then she should stop "protecting" her little boy.

yoursucklives 36

ooops. just noticed that it wasn't your boyfriend you baked the cake for. just ignore my comment.

Even so there's no harm in having two cakes? In my experience they don't go to waste!! Sounds to me like the mother is just stupidly precious about her son. I have a pact with my hubby that he promises to tell me when I'm being an overbearing mother hen haha!