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We are not amused

By ilikecake - 29/05/2009 11:12 - United Arab Emirates

Today, it was my boyfriend's 24th birthday. His friends were throwing him a surprise party and I was in charge of getting his birthday cake. As a joke, I got it in the shape of a penis, with a graphic marzipan design. Funny, I never knew his overly-conservative parents were invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 388
You deserved it 53 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

choppedNskrewed 0

Hahahaha you deserved it. Who wants to eat a penis cake? Are you not eating enough of his penis already?

dancing_bear 0

I think it was reasonable to assume they weren't coming if his friends were organising the party. That's very, very awkward.


choppedNskrewed 0

Hahahaha you deserved it. Who wants to eat a penis cake? Are you not eating enough of his penis already?

my mates pulled this bull crap on ne once. But it was a very nice tasting cake :D

Did she not expect his parents to come?

dancing_bear 0

I think it was reasonable to assume they weren't coming if his friends were organising the party. That's very, very awkward.

hahaha this sounds just like that episode of Friends... anyway, you should've checked who was going YDI

YDI why ruin someones birthday with a penis

A penis cake for your 24 year old bf? What are you 12? That shit stopped being funny in high school.

#2 - DIAF! I again call on my FML Staff pals to please help in showing these assclowns which way the bonfire is so they can DIAF. Maybe enlist a 3 strikes policy? ANYWAYS... I personally think the penis cake is HILARIOUS. He's 24 years old for christ's sake. He can tell his parents it's a joke and to chill the **** out, and if he can't.. Is that something you want in your life?

peopleplz2008 0