
By JaneDoe - 04/04/2013 02:51 - United States - Salisbury

Today, it was my friend's birthday, so I baked him a cake complete with his name written on it in homemade frosting. After I gave it to him, his mother berated me for it, saying I should have checked with her first before making a cake for her son. He's 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 751
You deserved it 2 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, how dare you make a cake for her son! Particularly with homemade frosting. Sheesh.

Don't worry, she's probably jealous that either your cake is better than hers, or that she didn't make one and that worries her for some reason. Just ignore it.


oj101 33

Perhaps OP's mom made/bought a cake for him, and didn't want to be upstaged by OP.

^This is most likely the reason. I once went to a dinner party and was taught never to go to someone's invite empty handed. I brought a dessert and was bitched out by the guy's wife because it clashed with her menu. :P

Then you could have been holding ammo for the food fight to come soon after.

Just smash it into her face. Problem solved.

perdix 29

I hope you spelled Oedipus correctly.

That's a fabulous comment. Well played....

perdix 29

#22, #50, thank you. I had fun with it. Originally, it was going to be longer, but then after I wrote that, I figured it was good as is.

Sorry, but that name is too 'complex' for some people to spell.

Awww maybe he's a mama's boy and she got a little jealous seeing your awesome home made cake! Dont be upset, be flattered!

If she has plans to be with this guy long-term, she'd best be wary rather than flattered. Meddling, overbearing mother-in-laws are something no one wants to deal with!

32- The OP said the guy was just a friend, didn't say anything about them being in a relationship...

She sounds like a moron. Smash her head in the cake hehe

\ 28

"Well this ones on the HOUSE!" (Splat

So for 28 years she has made him a birthday cake every year.. maybe she felt threatened by it.. maybe yours looked better and she wanted to throw it at the ground. Some mothers are over-protective.

Well he could have allergies she thought you needed to know about...

You'd think being friends OP would know if he had any allergies

mokielove 10

I bet she Probleey ate all the cake when everyone left.

Reminds me of Tom Green. "I'm a 28 year old man." Hahahahahaha!!!! "Where's your LeBeron, Freddy?"

Is she nuts? You can never have too much cake!