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Complete mockery

By Anonymous - 13/11/2019 01:00

Today, the people in my class wondered why I seem to avoid them. The same people who call me a creep and hide when they see me in public because of my disability. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 279
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know the feeling 😤. The problem is not one’s disability, but how people respond to it

Being from the great apes family, most of the people just are tuned to respond back. So break this cycle of response and smile when they see towards you. You would find most of them smiling back. Next, say hi. This usually breaks the barrier and starts the positive cycle


I know the feeling 😤. The problem is not one’s disability, but how people respond to it

Mathalamus 24

Unfortunately, that is the reality.

Do not let their ignorance and rude behavior define you and how you see yourself! You are amazing OP, and it’s a shame those people can’t see it (it’s their loss tho)

Being from the great apes family, most of the people just are tuned to respond back. So break this cycle of response and smile when they see towards you. You would find most of them smiling back. Next, say hi. This usually breaks the barrier and starts the positive cycle

LostSoul 19

Do not bullshit yourself or anyone else. You know what happens when you play nice to people like this? They are nice to your face and trash you behind your back. If a disability causes anyone to act differently towards you, they are not worth the time or effort to be nice. Find people who are not going to be jerks.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

eh? it's not a bad thing to be disabled, you're the reason people like OP are insecure and think everything's about their disability because people like you use it as a derogatory term! I'm disabled and proud

EmDizzle2007 28
EmDizzle2007 28

I realize you're saying that's the disability of their classmates, but I'm genuinely interested in what op's is.

prettylamemyguy 7

I'm so sorry you have to deal with such shit people.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

I've been where you are and I've realised people do treat me differently when i tell them I'm disabled but that's society for you, we've been brainwashed to feel that depending on the colour of your skin, disability and sexual orientation you will get catergorised and stereotyped

J15237 25

Honestly (and you may get in trouble, but it will be good for your pride) you tell them because all of you are ******* assholes and can go **** yourselves.