
By ohhhemmgee - 06/09/2012 06:39 - United States - Reno

Today, I locked myself out of the house I was house-sitting. An hour later, and my fifth attempt at climbing the fence, I figured I'd try the door one more time. Turns out I was turning the handle the wrong way and the door wasn't locked in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 763
You deserved it 29 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingotter 4

When one way didn't work you didn't naturally try a different way?

cawoods 1

That's why you have to violently try to turn the knob. Like you need to get in. And you hope that it will open.


At least you didn't break a window or something.

When my mother and I first showed up at the house we're currently renting, we tried the keys and couldn't get in, had to call the landlady and it turned out we were just turning the key the wrong way. So FYL!

Wait was this your house? But if not come on man.