
By ohhhemmgee - 06/09/2012 06:39 - United States - Reno

Today, I locked myself out of the house I was house-sitting. An hour later, and my fifth attempt at climbing the fence, I figured I'd try the door one more time. Turns out I was turning the handle the wrong way and the door wasn't locked in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 763
You deserved it 29 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingotter 4

When one way didn't work you didn't naturally try a different way?

cawoods 1

That's why you have to violently try to turn the knob. Like you need to get in. And you hope that it will open.


Happened to me once, turns out all I had to do was lift the door a little bit. Only took me an hour to figure it out.

Joerav 2

Out of desperation to get in the house, I'm surprised you never tried turning the knob a different direction in the beginning.

KevH88 0

Wow... You're the kind of special person that pulls on a door that says PUSH. When one thing doesn't work, try the opposite. Try to think logically and use common sense but it appears as if common sense isn't too common for you. If you can't figure out a doorknob, what makes you think you can housesit? What happens when you gotta take a dump and you're only turning the knob the one way and it doesn't open. You gonna shit outside because you lack the ability to make logical choices?


Like you wouldn't try to turn the other way. You dumbshit, OP.

olpally 32

Love the username op... Probably what you said after you figured out how to get in the house the right way... Ahh, this FML made me lmao. :D

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : Good way to pass the time OP! :D

KiddNYC1O 20

"If it wasn't right the first time why the hell would it be right the next 4 times?!!" - Stewie's voice. sound pretty retarded. Not a good decision on their part to have a mongoloid house sitting for them, now was it?

There should be a "you're a ******* retard" option on this one.

Austyn57 1

WOOOOWWWWWW!!! and this years common sense award go's tooo....