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By artmfanforever - 22/09/2010 20:39 - United States

Today, I locked myself out of my car. While walking home to retrieve the spare, I realized I locked my house keys inside the house this morning. Now I must decide whether to break into my house or car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 338
You deserved it 25 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whichever one has windows that are cheaper to replace.

Illyssa_fml 4

Well, if you broke into your car, you'd still need to break into your house to get inside..sooo I'd say break into your house that way you don't need to break in your car :)


well. looks like someone needs to learn to keep spare keys under the door mat!

I disagree with #1. Doormats are popular spots for hiding spare keys and such. Do it in a more secluded area.

pinkpillowz 0

wouldn't your house be easier? unless you have alarms...


what about the top of the floor mat? If there was a thief trying to break in, when they lift the mat the key can fly away.

14, he'd probably see the key first. And even if he didn't, he'd still probably hear it when it hits something.

Shaggy_92 5

yea and then they can hear it clinging and get it... = they brake in. personally I'd shoot someone if they broke in. hide it under a rock or bury it deep enuf to where it's no noticeable and easy to get to


just buy a huge German Shepard then. problem solved.

EricErection69 0

like I'd pick on the top of the door

that's a lie beacuase they can disable the code system :P

KingDingALing 9

What the **** are you talking about, 22? Flying keys? Shit, I'd love to know what you're smoking...

KingDingALing 9

Harry potter? WTF? ok!?? people do have bad ears sarcasm..

legonut6 0

YDI for being stupid and not having AAA!

how can you lock yourself out of your house without the keys?

get a thin tree branch and put it down the window bay. not that I would know

talim_fml 3

Lots of houses have locks that lock from the inside without needing a key.

the_flirtt 0
MichieBabiie 0

Well, I say you go into your house because if you break into the car you still need the house keys.

if you break into your car you still have to break into your house. so just break into your house and get the car keys :)

bosskidz20 2

leaving the key in the car is good because no one could steal your car key.

I don't understand, wouldn't your house keys be with your car keys? I keep me house and car key on the same ring:/

163- I was talking to the people who were saying that she would have to break into the house if she broke into her car first, so shut the **** up you dumbass

Whichever one has windows that are cheaper to replace.

rockyraccoon28 8

But the house may have a security system. :P And the car.. might have one too.

I'll will go with both...if you gonna do one might as well do both

I say house cuz if he breaks into his car he will only get his car keys but no house keys but if he breaks into the house he will get house keys and spare for the carkeys so It will cost him less money

FallenNevermorE 0
Illyssa_fml 4

Well, if you broke into your car, you'd still need to break into your house to get inside..sooo I'd say break into your house that way you don't need to break in your car :)

JustinKingr 0 says the house keys are in the car

It says the house keys are in the house. Read it again, Einstein. c:

"I realized I locked my house keys inside the house"

shakethat 10

what's the garage door opener going to do when the door is locked? he needs inside the house not just in the garage. I lock my doors everyday.

Kanvis78 0

130 , not so bright, eh? Most garages open into kitchens or laundry rooms, etc. . Open garage = access to inside of house. You must be homeless. I apologize.

Igor_g5 0

Most people with a brain lock the door from the garage to the house. Besides most people don't keep garage door openers in their pocket.

pfft @ 31 it says the keys are in the house you sped.. learn to read before trying to make a smartass comment. dick

No, my house doesn't do that and trust me, I'm not homeless

fullmetalshrimp 0

LMFAO.. funniest thing I've read all day.