Costume parties are the worst

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a party dressed as a Pinata. Drunk people tried to hit me all night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 563
You deserved it 57 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Good thing you didn't dress up as a ******.

Today, I went to a party, found a big piñata, and hit it repeatedly. A person fell out. FML


well what were they hitting u with ,, ;)

"Today, I was stupid and people hit me. FML."

fire_in_the_hole 0

did they ask for your lolly pop?

hearts15 0

now,did u learn ur lesson? haha

shoulda thought about that before you left.

BrassKnucklez69 0

why in the hell wuld yuhh go to a party dressed uhp as a pinata anyway in november??? hhooowww sstttuuuppiiidddd YFDI.!

ThisRandomChild 0

ROFLMFAO, still YDI though


I hope someone "dick slapped" you for a stunt like that! ydi for sure

MiaLoves 8

dem niggas be hittin on me. be jelly~