Costume parties are the worst

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a party dressed as a Pinata. Drunk people tried to hit me all night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 563
You deserved it 57 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Good thing you didn't dress up as a ******.

Today, I went to a party, found a big piñata, and hit it repeatedly. A person fell out. FML


piñata costume + drunk people = bad's just common sense...

fakeaccountX 6

YDI YDI. (You deserve it you damn idiot.)

IphonFML 6

HAYY! this is like the dice fml where everyone was rolling the people wearing dice. but again it IS different.

mm I'd hit dat shit all night looong

you must have been a smash hit at the party.

karinabeby 0
imright24 0

YDI. What did you think drunk people were going to do?

perdix 29

Good thing you didn't dress up as a ******.

God damn you, perdix. This is exactly what I was going to say. Go do some work and give someone else a chance!

KingDingALing 9

Perdix wins. KaySL said that you should stop abusing me.

Who, me? I don't abuse anyone except those who deserve it.

KingDingALing 9

Oh, ok. I doubt Kay said anything of the sort, however. She abuses the most people here by a nautical mile.

perdix 29

King, I wasn't aware that I started.

KingDingALing 9

Kay said that he climbed into my window and then Perdix busted in with a shotgun and told him not to touch the merchandise.... KaySL- You want some love? Be at my place in 10 minutes. Make sure that you're drunk before you get here. Don't forget the PCP, Cocaine, and the lube. Especially the lube... Wait...what?

KingDingALing 9

She? Hmm...strap-on? I might "purposely" pass out to get some mouth to mouth...but other then that, we'll be fine. I forgot to mention, I will be video taping everything so that I can have a memory of this...

Kay - I'm glad you hate me now. It's comforting to know that you hate everyone equally. How do you say "Bring it, bitch!" in French?

KingDingALing 9

She? Hmmm...strap-on? I might "accidently" overdose so that I can pass out and get some mouth to mouth...but other then that, we'll be fine.. I forgot to mention, bring some edible body paint...that's definitely a must.

KingDingALing 9

Maybe the camera hates you because you rejected it! :p

bastard, i do broient a friendly version is "en-garde", though a harsher version would be "bouche mes fèces" ;)

Today, I went to a party, found a big piñata, and hit it repeatedly. A person fell out. FML

You really deserve it when you thought drunk people wouldn't bash you with sticks...

DudeImBetter 0

if you come to a baseball pizza party dressed as a piñata what do you expect.

danieyellie 0

lol I read ur description! I love ur taste in music :)